Word & Image.


This unit considers the relationship between word and image, highlighting ways in which the meaning of imagery can be modified by its juxtaposition with text. You will consider how illustration can complement and contrast with written material in both formal and conceptual ways.

You will relate illustration to the broad context of graphic design and be introduced to some of the products, which combine both illustrative, and graphic/typographic elements. Imagery can be used in isolation but frequently it is used alongside other modes of communication, perhaps the most obvious being the written word.

Words can echo or modify our readings of imagery, and they can be viewed as images themselves; with their own abstract visual characteristics. Words can be incorporated in images, or can refer to them from outside of their boundaries. The 'Word and Image' unit explores these relationships, and introduces typography and the notion of multimodal communication.


Music, rather like food, is something, we as humans, can’t live without. It forms a universal language all of its own and as with food, can be a reflection on the country of origin, era, sociodemographic and other associated influences.

Working in groups of four throughout the duration of the unit, you are asked to respond to one of the following genres of music, which will be determined by a random selection process –

Lorette Lynn – Country & Western

On receipt of your selected band/group/performer, you are required to collectively work together to produce an innovative and original printed visual presentation in response to the music, the lyrics and that of your research based upon the life-style of the artist/s.

Within your work, you may wish to use some or all of the lyrics of a particular song/s. The words should act as a catalyst for your interpretation and creative thinking. Consider playing the music and draw as you listen, enabling you to visually re-interpret the track/s and explore alternative meaning and suggestion. Your subsequent concepts could be far removed from the original intentions of the song. Equally, you may elect to research into the life of the artist/s and consider aspects of it for further interpretation.

It should be stressed that careful consideration needs to be given to the integration of words and images within your artwork. However, avoid using portraits of the artist/s – think more laterally.

Ultimately, your collective work may take the form of any of the following contexts,

Artist book



Studio display

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